UKirk is a network of campus ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A). This ministry is brand new for First Presbyterian. UKirk Conway is ministering to those students at Hendrix and University of Central Arkansas. First Presbyterian in Conway is happy to provide you a church home away from home.
Facebook and Twitter have up to the minute info on upcoming events and how to get connected with our local college students |
There’s always something going on at the church or on campus!
Student Led Activities
The first Sunday of every month, students are eating a free meal provided by a church member at the church right after the worship service, unless they’re skipping to rawwk out the new new trampoline park in Little Rock!
Tuesdays are Bible Study/Devotion and/or meal night at 7of each. The 2nd Tuesday join us at ZaZa’s!
The first Thursday, students are helping out to feed Conway’s hungry at Daily Bread from 5-6.
We encourage and welcome your participation in all our programs. Here are a few ways that you might wish to be involved with the congregation:
Music at FPC
We are pleased to have several college students are part of our Music Team here at FPC. The Bell Choir and Chancel Choir practice each Wednesday evening.
Bell Choir is under the direction of Laura Deem and meets at 6:00 p.m. The choir presents Prelude, Offertory, and Postlude selections for morning worship several times each year.
Chancel Choir is under the direction of Lyle Rupert and rehearses at 7:15 p.m. each Wednesday. In addition to offering a morning Anthem each Sunday, the choir also presents special music performances during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
Way Out Wednesday (WOW)
Each Fall and Spring, a ten week study is offered on Wednesday evenings. Prior to the study is a catered dinner at 5:30, with study beginning at 6:15 p.m.
Regardless of whether you plan to stay for the study, we want to treat you to a delicious meal in a family atmosphere. Come join us when you can – we don’t take roll.
A Team Leader Core
Each Fall and Spring, the Presbytery of Arkansas Youth A Team, plans and leads youth conferences for Junior and Senior High Youth from across the Presbytery. Jr. High Youth Quake takes place in late September and Senior High Youth Quake in late April each year. Youth Quakes offer a theme, small group study, recreation and worship much the same as summer youth conferences. A Team Leader Core member are central to leading these Quakes.
In addition, Youth at Presbytery events are scheduled each February at the Presbytery meetings which alternate annually between Lyon College in Batesville and the University of the Ozarks in Clarksville. Youth at Presbytery offers Senior High Youth the opportunity to see the business of the church carried out in the spring meeting of Presbytery. Youth are given information on maters to come for vote during the meeting and provide a youth advisory vote for the commissioner of the meeting.
College Connection May 19-23, 2014
College Connection is a time to relax at Mo-Ranch after the semester ends and experience thought provoking keynote presentations, small groups, music, worship, and fellowship.
It’s a great time to grow spiritually and unwind from a hectic semester. College Connection is a time to relax at Mo-Ranch after the semester ends and experience thought provoking keynote presentations, small groups, music, worship, and fellowship. It’s a great time to grow spiritually and unwind from a hectic semester. Transportation to and from the conference will be available through the Presbytery and your local congregations.
Presbytery Mission Trips October 13 – 19, 2014
Each fall, adults from across the Presbytery are invited to join our Mission Team to work through the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program in clean-up and/or repair work for communities recovering from natural disasters. This year the team will travel to Moore Oklahoma to assist the people affected by the storms this last spring. Participants may plan to work the entire week or for a few days as their schedules allow. What a great way to spend part of your Fall Break!